Tag Archives: Holiness

The Blasphemy of Grace

The Blasphemy of Grace | Gospel Brew

Why do Christians have such a love-hate relationship with grace? It is the pinnacle of Christianity – what sets it apart from the other major religions and yet we struggle with it so. Buddhists eight-fold path must be walked, the Hindu must pay the price karma demands, Jews and Muslims must obey their own law codes. Each of these offers a way to ...

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You Had One Job. (Kind, Honest and Useless)

Kind Honest and Useless | Gospel brew

When I was in seminary, we had a great unit called “Foundations of Ministry”. In it, we reflected on how others have have embraced their distinctiveness to minister, and how “who we are” impacts on our ministry. We were once asked what were the qualities of a good pastor. In our groups we discussed and brought our responses together. We ...

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What are we to do with _______? Leadership failings and the cross.

Will Foster/PastorMark.tv

If you keep tabs on what is happening in the worldwide church, then you’ve probably heard about the increasing controversy surrounding Pastor Mark Driscoll, from Mars Hill Church in Seattle (Update, Pastor Mark has stepped down as of Sunday 24/08/14). It’s even made the front page of the New York Times. Claims of his creating a culture of fear to ...

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